Hello Mr. 3!

I turned 30 today. Man..what a strange feeling. A decade has passed since I turned 20 back at Stanford. Yesterday, as I was waking up and laying on my bed, the only thought in my mind was 'this is the last day that I will be in my twenties. Tomorrow, I will join the thirties' club'. I once read about an old Chinese saying. It said 'at thirty, a man stands firm'. It is quite scary to think and compare my life with this saying since my ground at 30 isn't firm at all. Many questions popped up in my mind..questions like am I doing what I am supposed to be doing? Am I living my life right? such a hard question to answer :-\ I started to think of other alternatives that I could have been doing..options like working in a corporate world, taking on my family business, or super-focusing on academia and research fields. Will I be happy or more happy with those alternatives? May be I am biased but my gut feeling at the moment tell me the answer is probably 'no...