Bye bye Huihui

Huihui is the name of my cat and she is the cat of the whole family as well. Huihui is our first pet (ever). I used to have little chicks, ducklings, and fish as I grew up...but I guess it didn't really count as pets since what I did was just play with them and handed them out to my grand-auntie to take care.

Frankly speaking, I am not a cat person at all. Before Huihui, I always feel that cats are sneaky and insincere animals. And sincerity is a big part of my life. But one day, some time between March/April in 2012, a gray and white cat walked into our house, into our lives. This cat has a gray patch on her mouth that looks like a mustache. The first time I met her was me getting out from a car and walking into my house. She was sitting in front of the door, looking at me. My automatic reaction kicked in when I saw a random cat: "Chew chew..#feet stomp and trample!"...for all the cats that I had done this action to, they would just run away, but this one is still sitting. unmoved. "What a weird cat" I was thinking. Then I walked passed it, entered my home like every day.

The next day, the same scene happened again..the cat was sitting, I was coming off from my car.."Chew chew..[stomp stomp]!". Still unmoved. I thought to myself.."What a dump will get into trouble with other humans soon.

For the next few weeks, I always saw this cat around my house. Some time when I got off my car, it would just walk to me and snuggle its head with my legs. Such a small action, but it gave me some funny feeling in my stomach. It did this not to only me, but to Minnie, Mary, and Mack as well. What an interesting creature. We didn't give any food or anything to it. Most of the cats will just find a new place where they can find foods. But this one stays.

And on one random day when I got home, Minnie asked me "H'Mick, did you see Huihui today?" What is Huihui? I asked her. Apparently, Minnie decided to give the cat a name "huihui". Minnie just got back from Beijing where she went to study Chinese for 3 months. Huihui in Chinese means the color of gray, the same color as the cat's mustache.

With the name "huihui", this changes everything. This cat is no longer a stray cat like any other cats that visit my house. It now has an identity, a name, and it is becoming part of the family. Soon, Huihui was welcome into the house. It now has a new home.

Since then, Huihui had made many วีรกรรม in our house, ranging from being the best mouse predator (good), to bird/squirrel slayer (bad/disgusting!), and poop-on-the-dinner-table-that-Mickey-had-to-take-it-out-at-2am. Another thing that I enjoyed was watching Huihui sleep...such a relaxing and happy cat. From Huihui's perspective, the world must be a pretty peaceful place.

I used to ask Minnie and my mom this question: "what if one day, Huihui disappears, will you be sad?" Such a dump question, of course, they will be sad. I will be sad. But I just can't help...I know that day will come, a day when there is no Huihui. Hopefully, it will be a while.

Exactly last week, April 20, 2013, was an Echelon Satellite Thailand event. The event was about startups and pitching competition. In this event, one out of 12 teams will be selected as Thailand's representative to compete in the Global Echelon arena in Singapore. Noonswoon was one of the 12 teams pitching. This was the chance that I could represent Thailand. I wanted to win this. I wanted to be Thailand representative. I was pumped.

The venue is at Grande Centre Point Asoke and I have to be there at 12.30pm to hand off my presentation. I walked to my car at 11.40am, feeling a little bit late. I started the engine, swiftly backed off my car from the garage. As I was about to drive off to the road, I glanced at my side mirror...what is that?? something was jumping up and down..about 1 meter up in the air. And the reality hit me. Huihui was choking, wriggling..I just ran over her while she was sleeping underneath my car T__T.

My mom, Mary, and Nong (house maid) put Huihui in a basket and drove off to the closest vet hospital. Huihui passed away before we reached the hospital.

Huihui, I am sorry to make the last couple minutes of your life so painful..I didn't mean to :-( This is the first time in my life that I lost someone...someone who is gone and will never return again. Thank you so much for teaching me many life lessons. Thank you so much for the laughs and smiles you created in my family. If there is any chances in the future, I hope to be your friend again. 

May you rest in peace Huihui. 


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RIP Huihui


วาทะ Jack Ma สวนมวยสหรัฐ ใน World Economic Forum 2017

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