is now live!

My friend just finished migrating out of Thailand. It wasn't that he did not trust Thai people, but it was the fact that he has less control on the server itself. For instance, he told me that he couldn't just restart the machine when he want to. He needs to call the guy at Internetthai (the company that he hosts the site on) and ask them to restart it for him. Also, there is no way for him to know if the server is currently not functional. He moved back to the USA, hosting it on Softlayer.

I guess he makes quite a right choice. The hosting service in Thailand isn't quite reliable and also there are a lot of politics in Thailand. I don't want to blame the system, but you know what..if this site gets so popular and someone with the power wants to shut the site off like, what else can my friend do? The country is supposed to be a free country, but people in power here are not acting like sad :(.

Anyway, I told my friend that there will be some disadvantage of doing this. Namely, the speed will be a bit slower considering the content will be sent from across the globe. But I guess I will have to wait and see if this latency is acceptable.

Peace out!

p.s do you like the name Meddee? I really like it. Med = doctors, Dee (in Thai) = good. Genius!


Dr. Kid Parchariyanon กล่าวว่า
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วาทะ Jack Ma สวนมวยสหรัฐ ใน World Economic Forum 2017

เราย้ายเว็บไซต์ไปอยู่ที่ แล้วนะครับ

Hello Mr. 3!