Hoooray...I increased my investment by 30% in 20 days!

I made about 80,000 Bahts (2700 USD) in 20 days with the initial investment of 220,000 Bahts. How? In the stock market of Thailand, aka, SET (Stock Exchange of Thailand). Many people had told me not to set my foot close to the Thai stock market. They were saying that, Thailand stock market was so volatile and filled with bad (and rich) people. These people made so much money by doing insider trading while leaving the innocents licking their wounds at home.

But after a few days of scrutinizing the history of Thailand stock index, I came to my own conclusion that this was the time to invest. Early of this year, SET was at 850 points and now it was at 380 points. I convinced myself that it would be hard for the market to tumble any further..(don't you think? 50% should be the maximum, right?). The price of PTT (Thailand Petroleum company) stock used to be around 400 Bahts/stock, right now it was 140 Bahts/stock. Banpu (Coals - Energy company) used to be at 450 bahts, right now it was 160 Bahts/stock. Geeezzz.The opportunity was so enticing.

I also noticed that the political situations in Thailand couldn't get any worse. Come on..the PAD shut down the two main airports of the country, seized the government parliament. There were bombing incidents every day. Definitely, things couldn't get any worse than this. This was my deciding moment. Since, things couldn't get worse than this...it could only get better. And when things got better, stocks surely rose. Man...Was this too simple? I thought to myself. may be..but it made so much sense to me. So I decided for the first time to get into the Thai stock market. I bought PTT for 1100 stocks at around 141 Bahts and Banpu for 500 stocks at around 170 Bahts. I bought these two stocks because the two companies were considered to be the two giant corporations of Thailand. In order to play with the price of these two stocks, you must be either someone really really powerful in the country or someone really really rich. The normal rich guys won't be able to influence the two prices. That's why I chose them.

May I was lucky..or may be my simple logics just did the tricks, the situations in Thailand were getting a bit better. The PAD stopped protesting and gave back both the airports and the parliament. The Democrat party seemed to have an upper hand in forming a new goverment than the Pue Thai (former PPP party). All these good news, make the stocks jump around 20% last week (JUST ONE WEEK!)...may be this was a beginner's luck. But man..it sure did feel great!



วาทะ Jack Ma สวนมวยสหรัฐ ใน World Economic Forum 2017

Hello Mr. 3!

Bye bye Huihui